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Scandinavian Air: double QR codes

To promote its 2-for-1 special offer, Scandinavian Air launched a promo campaign. Select few 100 000 received an email with two embed QR coded codes: left one for him and right one for her. Upon scanning videos are downloaded and must be started synchronously.

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QR codes at Heineken Opener Festival

Here's no-nonsense implementation of QR codes used for sharing user generated content among festival goers. Just come up to a QR generation spot, type in your message, get QR code sticker and apply it to whatever surface you like.

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Social blunders of 2011 have something to do with Twitter's main feature

The feature is instant posting. There's probably no exception among Twitter userati who have at least once posted a blunder and regretted afterwards. AdAge has put a list of social media blunders not of individuals but of companies.

I understand the urge to let the world know about your next great idea or campaign but you always how to think at least thrice.

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Great results from QR code campaign: 600,000+ scans

In July Hennessy launched a limited edition Cognac in individually numbered bottles decorated with artwork by New York artist and designer Kaws. The bottle and the international press release included a designer QR Code (image below) that resolves to a mobile site with more information including a video of Kaws on a visit to Cognac, France.

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Heineken BeerTender App

Do you want to get a beer tender as a Chirstmas present, but have no one who'd give you one?

No problem, just use Heineken BeerTender App, choose another random fellow who'd like the same gift as you, make him (or it could be her, but chances are, you know, pretty shallow) a beer tender present, and auto-magically receive the same one back. Simples!

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Social media in 2011

Social media sites like Facebook, Twitter, Foursquare have grabbed more share Internet users' attention than portals or search sites.

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Starbucks Augmented Reality Fun

It's pretty fun to play with. Just load up a free app, point camera to one of the special cups and observe fun being played on screen.

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Heinz promotes its new bottle via QR and text-and-win

I've learned about a sweepstakes activity that promotes its new PlantBottle(TM),supposedly 30% of is made from plants. Sounds good. What I like, besides the products environment friendly, is that it allows people with all kinds of phones to participate in sweepstakes.

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