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Toyota Auris new promo site

Launched by Saatchi & Saatchi London with B-Reel. There's nothing groundbreaking in the presentation, as it allows only basic click-and-watch interactions.

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Let's make a salad..on Facebook

Cheese  brand Athenos Feta decided to promote idea of healthy summer eating on Facebook. A person submits his or her salad recipe with feta cheese as necessary ingredient that is both healthy and very yummy. You can share your recipes with your friends and people who installed the application.

As a result brand's page has 60 000 followers and its sales went up by 9% in the last 3 months. Also, bloggers outside of Facebook wrote 160 posts with brand mentioned as ingredient. You can see recipes and add your very own on page of Athenos Feta.

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Expending Youtube page

Here's another example of Youtube page takeover for the movie The Expendables with Stalone.

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Google QR codes: the best (only) way for physical world connection?

Last month AdAge.com published an article on Google QR codes.  Physical world connection to the Internet(s) has fascinated me for quite some. We have been operating information request service by SMS keyword for quite some time.  QR codes is next incarnation of linking world we're living in with extra information about particular objects, events or people.

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Branded games could be fun and engaging

Just yesterday we updated one of our portfolio cases and uploaded branded games that you can now almost safely play at work. The client was Kraft Jacobs Suchard's instant coffee brand Jacobs 3 in 1. It wasn't just games that we developed. We setup a community site where visitors could register and post their content: text and photos to participate in prize draws.

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Twitter handle reveals what car you are

Volkswagen came up with wonderful interactive banner to help you choose a car.  Hardly anyone will actually make decision based on suggestion, but many people will try for the fun of it.

Now it's your turn:

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Honda Civic revs up from SMS

Honda CivicIrish folks had a chance to play with interactive billboard which featured a new Civic and a message to "wake the beast".

To do just that, one had to text START to shortcode 51500 and experience the revs of the car. Along with that link to the mobile site was sent, where one can order a brochure and signup for a test drive.

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